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Edgar Sewter Playschool - Before and After School Club

Out of School Care

We aim to support your child in learning through play and experience, become familiar with the school and its members and take that first step away from the home into a safe and caring environment. 

Breakfast, lunch and afterschool club available as well as Out of School Club (OoSC).

Being a part of the school site helps the young children to become familiar with the main school and this is beneficial for transitions to Out of School Care when they are older.

Please contact us for details of our Breakfast and After School Club.

We have some spaces for Breakfast and Afterschool Clubs, currently open to children from Edgar Sewter School only.

Who to contact

Hayley Lawrence
07796 044277
Social Media
 Find us on Facebook

Venue Details

Edgar Sewter Playschool
Edgar Sewter Primary School
Norwich Road
IP19 8BU
View IP19 8BU on a map
Venue Email
Parking available
Parking details
Limited Parking is available outside the main school on Norwich Road


30 Hours Extended Entitlements

Registered to provide 30 Hours?


Last updated
Immediate vacancies
Other information
Spaces are variable according to the days/times needed. Please contact Edgar Sewter Playschool directly for further information.

Days & times

Monday to Friday AM: 08:00 - 08:40
Monday to Friday PM: 15:30 - 18:00

Inclusive Provisions

Wheelchair access
Cultural provisions
Individual dietary needs
Recent experience of supporting children with additional needs


Table of costs
Table of costs
AmountCost Type
£3.50 BC
£7.00 ASC
costs include breakfast and a snack after school

Other Details

School pickups
Edgar Sewter Primary School (Halesworth)
Further information about pick-ups
We no longer provide a pick up service from other schools.
Cater for over 8s
Age Range
From 4 Year(s)
To 13 Year(s)
Age Groups
Children (5-11)
Offers Tax Free Childcare

Ofsted Information

Ofsted URN
Link to latest ofsted inspection report 
Inspection history
Inspection History
Inspection DateInspection typeInspection Outcome
27/01/2009Inspection (Early Years Register)Good
03/06/2015Inspection (Early Years Register)Good
09/01/2019Inspection (Early Years Register)Good

Support for people with disabilities

Experience of including people with special educational needs and disabilities

Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy

The emphasis of our Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy is on the early identification of any difficulties a child may have and of offering an appropriate learning environment in which we provide a range of differentiated activities to meet individual needs. When a child is enrolled with an Education Health and Care (EHC) plan, we will work with the other agencies involved with the child and the family to ensure their needs are met.

We aim to develop a partnership with parents and will always consult with them if we feel a child is having difficulties.

A child’s progress will be observed, monitored and recorded as appropriate. If a child is not making adequate progress, staff will liaise closely with the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) on setting appropriate targets. We will liaise with other professionals with parental consent, to ensure we are offering effective provision for children with SEND.

Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) is Hayley Lawrence.

The responsibilities of the SENCo are:

  • To ensure that the aims and objectives of the SEND policy are reflected in the practice of our Playschool.
  • To ensure that staff understand and are familiar with and follow those objectives through appropriate SEND training.
  • To ensure that appropriate Individual Education Plans (IEP) are in place.
  • To ensure that relevant background information about individual children with SEND is collected, recorded and updated.
  • To set dates for evaluation and review.

Admission Arrangements for Children with SEND:

  • As stated in our Admissions Policy, our waiting list is arranged in date of birth order.
  • We welcome all children and aim to respond appropriately to each child’s background and individual needs. Using our admissions form or other communication, for example, by meeting, we ask parents to give as much notice as possible if a child has SEND. This will enable us to explore with the parents and any outside professionals how we can provide most effectively for that child.

Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy


  • We have a flexible admissions procedure- see Settling In Policy, medical conditions would be discussed with parents/carers before the child is admitted to the setting to ensure we meet the needs of the child.


If it is felt that a child’s need cannot be met in Playschool within our key person system, the additional support from outside agencies will be sought. All staff have special needs sensitivity and knowledge to work with children with special needs. We strive to provide equipment and resources that meet a range of individual needs and promote the seven areas of learning as specified in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 2014.  If necessary, we will apply for additional funding for children with severe or complex needs.

Identification, Assessment and Provision for all Children with SEND:

Our Playschool aims to have regard for the DFEE Code of Practice (2001) on the Identification and Assessment of Special Educational needs. The Special Educational Needs Code of Practice 2014 (SEND CoP 2014) emphasises the importance of early identification. All children are observed and the planning follows the interests of the children. We have adopted the Graduated Approach model with 4 stages of action; assess, plan, do, review.( 5.38 SEND CoP 2104.


  • When it is identified that a child needs SEND support, the staff will work with the SENCo to assess the child’s needs with the parents, and regularly review to ensure the needs are met. More specialist involvement from outside agencies may be contacted with the informed permission from the parents.


  • Individual Education Plans (IEPs) will identify the needs to help the child’s development and progress and outcomes expected with a clear date for review. These will be written with the involvement of the child, parents and other professionals. Parents should be involved in planning support and , where appropriate, in reinforcing or contributing to progress at home
  • Any staff related development needs should be identified and addressed.


Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy


  • The child’s key person will continue to work with the child and with support from the SENCo, will oversee the implementation of the IEP or other interventions agreed. The SENCo will assess the child’s response to the action taken and advise on the effectiveness of the intervention and support. The parents will be involved at each stage.


  • The SENCo will work with the key person and the child’s parents to review the effectiveness of the plans. A new IEP may be set up, taking into account the child’s interests, with new targets and another date for review will be set. This will continue while the child needs support to make progress.
  • Although all records are confidential, these are passed on to the next setting with parental consent.
  • Where a child has an EHC, the local authority must review that plan.


Early Years Foundation Stage Access and Inclusion

We encourage all our children to feel that they are valued and respected individuals in our Playschool and support them in treating others in a similar manner. Such inclusion is reflected in our planning. We aim to provide a wide range of play opportunities through a variety of areas of interest to develop children’s emotional, physical, social and intellectual capabilities.

Our planning is adaptable to account for a range of special needs and staff will evaluate individual participation and progress through observations and regular staff meetings. Any recommendations for changes to our planning will be noted and acted upon.

Our learning environment provides the following opportunities for all children to be included in the setting as a whole;

  • Equipment and activities are positioned at an accessible level and can be moved according to individual needs

Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy

  • Available activities and equipment provide graded learning opportunities and suitable special need sensory stimulation
  • Communication aids can be utilised where appropriate and staff will seek suitable training where possible
  • Inclusive play activities, both inside and out, can be provided and funding will be sought should any specialised equipment be particularly advantageous for individual special need.

Evaluation of Policy

All staff will monitor and evaluate our Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy annually an in response to changes in legislation, guidance and any changes in the setting.

Complaints Procedure

Any complaints will initially be referred to the key person, then the SENCo. If unresolved, see Playschool Complaints Policy


Equality Act 2010,

Children and Families Act 2014,

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Code of Practice 2014

Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2014.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Regulations 2014

This Policy was adopted at a meeting of the Playschool Committee 

Hayley Lawrence
07796 044277

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