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Showing 131 advice page search results

  1. Self-harm

    This page provides information about self-harm, and where you can get advice and support. Overview of self-harm Self-harm is when you hurt yourself as a way of dealing with a build-up of difficult feelings or thoughts.  Self-harm can be in a form of scratching, cutting,…
  2. Youth Groups

    We know that the support young people receive from accessing services in local youth groups has a hugely positive impact. These groups can be based around sport, culture, developing skills, supporting mental health, they can be locality based, or they can be aimed at particular…
  3. Depression

    This page provides information about depression, and where you can get advice and support. Overview of low mood and depression Low mood and depression affects people differently. You may feel down, sad, upset or tearful, empty or num, feel anxious, hopeless or worthless, You may no longer…
  4. Stress

    This page provides information about stress, and where you can get advice and support. Overview of stress Stress is our body’s response to pressure, new situations or experiences and unexpected life events.  Stress also occurs when we feel threatened or feel like we no control…
  5. Training for adults

    In order to support those in the community who have connecting moments with young people, we have a series of training available to you.  These are accessible for any over 18s who have some contact with young people (this does not need to be in…
  6. Mentoring Young People

    Young people value mentoring for lots of reasons.  It can help them develop their self confidence, support them through life changes, provide a channel to work through mental health challenges and give them skills for developing their career path. Some of our voluntary and community…
  7. Anxiety

    This page provides information about anxiety, and where to go for advice and support. Overview of anxiety Anxiety can make you feel worried, nervous, tense, restless or scared. It can cause physical symptoms such as a racing heartbeat, sweating, trembling, panic attacks and stomach aches.…
  8. Family Hubs

    Our Health & Children's Centres / Family Hubs offer information, advice and support to families in Suffolk with children aged 0-19 years. These pages provide key information about the early help available from councils, health services, education services, housing services and community organisations.  You are…
  9. Neurodevelopmental Disorder (NDD) Pathway (East & West Suffolk)

    The Neurodevelopmental Disorder (NDD) Pathway (East & West Suffolk) aims to provide a clear and structured approach to support families who require assistance with supporting a child or young person with neurodevelopmental conditions, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). For more information…
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