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Showing 40 advice page search results

  1. Staying Mentally Well

    This page provides information about looking after your emotional wellbeing and mental health, and where you can get advice and support. How to look after your mental health  We all have mental health! "Good mental health is a general feeling of happiness where we can…
  2. Stress

    This page provides information about stress, and where you can get advice and support. Overview of stress Stress is our body’s response to pressure, new situations or experiences and unexpected life events.  Stress also occurs when we feel threatened or feel like we no control…
  3. Suffolk Information Partnership

    The Suffolk Information Partnership (SIP) is a network of organisations supporting people in Suffolk with information and services around care, health and wellbeing. We meet regularly to share updates on our services and discuss topics of interest so that we can work together in a more coordinated…
  4. Suicidal feelings in children and young people

    The above Suffolk Mind video titled 'Understanding Suicide', helps explain why someone, whether they are an adult or young person, may feel suicidal due to unmet emotional needs. If you know someone in immediate danger of taking their life Call 999. If the person is…
  5. Suicidal Thoughts

    This page provides information about suicide, and where you can get advice and support. Overview about suicide Suicide is the act of intentionally taking your own life. Suicidal thoughts and feelings can affect anyone of any age, gender or background, at any time.  Men over…
  6. Suicide

    Suicide is the act of intentionally ending your life. If you're reading this because you have, or have had, thoughts about taking your life, it's important you ask someone for help. It's probably difficult for you to see at this time, but you're not alone and not…
  7. Trauma

    This page provides information and support about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD)  Overview of Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)  PTSD is an anxiety disorder caused by experiencing or witnessing a  stressful, frightening or distressing event or serious injury.  Any situation that a person finds traumatic can cause PTSD. Symptoms of PTSD can include: flashbacks, reoccurring…
  8. Worried about your teenager?

    It can be difficult for parents to tell whether their teenagers are just "being teens" or whether there is something more serious going on. Many of the symptoms listed below can often be attributed to normal teenage behaviour. However, if you're worried, it can be helpful…
  9. Youth Focus Suffolk

    Are you interested in supporting young people to be the best that they can be? To help navigate the challenges that life throws at us all?Do you see Suffolk’s future in the hands of our young people and want to be part of shaping better…
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