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Showing 133 advice page search results

  1. Suicidal feelings in children and young people

    The above Suffolk Mind video titled 'Understanding Suicide', helps explain why someone, whether they are an adult or young person, may feel suicidal due to unmet emotional needs. If you know someone in immediate danger of taking their life Call 999. If the person is…
  2. Suicide

    Suicide is the act of intentionally ending your life. If you're reading this because you have, or have had, thoughts about taking your life, it's important you ask someone for help. It's probably difficult for you to see at this time, but you're not alone and not…
  3. Elective Home Education (EHE)

    Educating your child at home Elective Home Education is where parents choose to exercise their legal right to take responsibility for educating their children at home or at home and in some other way which they choose, instead of sending them to school full time.…
  4. Abuse

    This page provides help and advice if you or someone you know is a victim of domestic abuse.
  5. ADHD and Autism

    This page provides information about where to find support for ADHD and autism. Support Services For advice for parents and carers seeking support and diagnosis, go to: East and West Suffolk Support Services: East and West Suffolk Neurodevelopmental Pathway  Suffolk Local Offer website Lowestoft and…
  6. Addiction

    This page provides information about addiction, and where you can get advice and support. Overview of addiction People who suffer from an addiction have an uncontrollable urge and compulsion to use dangerous substances or to engage in harmful activities despite knowing the negative consequences these…
  7. Anxiety

    This page provides information about anxiety, and where to go for advice and support. Overview of anxiety Anxiety can make you feel worried, nervous, tense, restless or scared. It causes physical symptoms, such as, a racing heartbeat, sweating, trembling, panic attacks and stomach aches. Anxiety…
  8. Eating Disorders

    This page provides information about eating disorders, and where you can get advice and support. Eating Disorders Awareness Week - From February 26th to 3th March "Eating disorders are one of the most dangerous and complex mental health issues for anyone to overcome - they…
  9. Self-harm

    This page provides information about self-harm, and where you can get advice and support. Overview of self-harm Self-harm is when you hurt yourself as a way of dealing with a build-up of difficult feelings or thoughts.  Self-harm can be in a form of scratching, cutting,…
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